The Translator’s Studio offers lots of free content for translators, writers and advanced language learners. Topics include translator certification, the CIOL CertTrans exam, the CIOL DipTrans exam, punctuation, style, translation specialisation, fashion translation, marketing and translation pricing. Browse this index and see what takes your fancy.

Best Resources for Translators and Writers
Best Books for Advanced English Learners
Looking for the best books advanced English learners need to boost vocabulary and grammar? Become a successful advanced English learner. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Looking for the best books for translators in 2023? This article lists our top style guides, course books and dictionaries. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Best Books to Learn Advanced French
Looking for the best book to learn advanced French? If you have an advanced (C1) or proficient (C2) level in French, these books are for you! Author: The Translator’s Studio.
Best Books to Learn Advanced Spanish
Do you want to learn advanced Spanish? This article will show you our pick of the best books for advanced Spanish learners. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Best French-English Dictionaries (Books)
Want to buy a French-English dictionary in book format? We’ve researched them all for you. Get help choosing your bilingual dictionary. Author: Gwenydd Jones
Best Gifts for a Translator or Writer
Looking for the best gifts for a translator? If you need inspiration for the best present for a writer, look no further! Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Guide to the best punctuation book for US English and British English. Check it out now and discover our excellent punctuation course. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Best Style Guide (Free and Bought)
Finding the best style guide is a must for translators, writers and editors. See our top free style guides and paid style guides in 2023. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Best Spanish-English Dictionaries
Looking for the best Spanish-English dictionary? Recommendations for the best Spanish-English bilingual dictionaries in book format. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Which is the Best Thesaurus Book?
Looking for the best thesaurus for writers and translators? We’ve done the research for you. Check out this article. Author: Gwenydd Jones
Becoming and Being a Professional Translator
5 Mistakes to Avoid When You Sell Professional Translation Services Online
This post looks at mistakes to avoid for freelance translators who sell a professional translation service online. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
7 Rites of Passage towards Your Dream Job as a Translator
Seven rites of passage when you start out in your dream job as a translator. Practical solutions to help you become a successful translator. Author: Ross Edwards.
10 Secrets for Freelance Translators for Success with Agencies
10 things freelance translators can do to make sure they’re desirable collaborators for translation agencies. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Facts Not Feelings: Business Planning for Freelance Translators
Why it’s better to plan your freelance business based on facts and not instincts. Author: Genevieve Shaw.
How Do You Manage a Work-Life Balance as a Translator?
t can be hard juggling family and freelance translation. A good work-life balance isn’t easy. Here’s how this translator makes it work. Author: Lucy Williams.
How To Become an Accredited Translator to Get More Work
This article will tell you how to join the ranks of certified translators. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Language Degree to Full-Time Professional Translator, How?
This article points language graduates in the right direction towards becoming a professional translator: getting experience, specialising and doing further qualifications. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Time Management for a Professional Translator: Tracking
This article explores a way to track your time, to know how much to charge and make sure you’re using your time profitably. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Volunteering as a TED Translator – My Experience
TED translators transcribe, translate or edit subtitles for TED talks. Want to volunteer as a TED translator? Get the lowdown here. Author: Matt Leedham.
Work as a Volunteer for Translators without Borders — My Experience
Volunteer translators can get experience while learning on the job. This article is all about working with Translators without Borders. Author: Rana Shabibi.
CAT Tools, Computing and Artificial Intelligence for Translators
10 Basics for Help Choosing a CAT Tool
Need help choosing a CAT (computer-aided translation) tool? This article will help you make the right investment. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
10 Reasons Why You Should Use Professional Translation Services and not Google Translate
You want your text to work for you. Here are 10 reasons why you should use professional translation services. Author: Lucy Williams.
History of Machine Translation
This article will tell you about the development of machine translation technology, from the 1950s to the present day. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Human Translation vs Machine Translation
What makes people think that Google Translate is as good as a human translator? A look at human translation vs machine translation. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Useful App for Pro Translators: Boomerang for Gmail Review
Inbox pausing and read receipts, a review of Boomerang for Gmail. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
A freelance translator’s take on the best paid CAT tool and the best free CAT tool in 2023. Read before you buy your translation software! Author: Gwenydd Jones.
CertTrans Exam and Translator Certification
TOP ARTICLE: About the CertTrans Exam — Ultimate Guide
About the CertTrans certificate in translation, the CIOL’s degree-level translation qualification. Ultimate CertTrans guide updated each year. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
11 CertTrans Preparation Top Tips
CertTrans preparation is essential to pass the CertTrans exam. Check out this article for tips to help you prepare.
Ways to Get Translator Certification
Getting translator certification is the best way to be a successful translator. This post has eight options to get certified as a translator. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
What’s the Difference between the DipTrans and CertTrans?
Want to be an officially certified translator? Check out this article for the difference between the DipTrans and CertTrans qualifications. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Why Use Accredited Translation Services?
Accredited translation services put your brand into the hands of professionals. That means a more professional image for you and more sales. Author: Lucy Williams.
DipTrans Exam
TOP ARTICLE: DipTrans Essential Guide
All about the DipTrans exam. Essential guide to the DipTrans, the CIOL diploma in translation from the Chartered Institute of Linguists. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
10 DipTrans Preparation Essentials
This post will help you prepare for the next IoLET Diploma in Translation exam. Author: Lucy Williams.
5 Websites for Free Practice Texts for the Institute of Linguists Diploma in Translation
This article will tell you where to find free quality translations that you can use to help you practise for the DipTrans exam run by the Chartered Institute of Linguists. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Translation Degree, MA in Translation Studies or DipTrans?
This guide to the MA in Translation Studies and the CIOL DipTrans will help you figure out which is the best post-graduate translation qualification for you. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
A Translator’s DipTrans Exam Experience
A personal story about the writer’s experience of sitting and resitting the Diploma in Translation exam offered by the Chartered Institute of Linguists. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Advanced Translation Course Review
Review of the Advanced Spanish-to-English Translation Course by its first trainee, Lucy Williams. Lucy is now Gwen’s collaborator at The Translator’s Studio. Author: Lucy Williams.
Are You Ready for the CIOL Diploma in Translation Exam?
This article will help you figure out whether you’re ready to take the CIOL Diploma in Translation also known as the DipTrans exam. Author: Gwenydd Jones
CIoL Diploma in Translation: Focus on Exam Paper 1 General
This article outlines the translation challenges you’ll meet in DipTrans paper 1, the general paper, which is a journalistic text. It’ll help you in your preparations to sit the exam. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
CIOL DipTrans Exam 2021 and Beyond
The CIOL DipTrans exam has undergone several changes since 2021. This is a summary for translators interested in the CIOL DipTrans exam. Author: Gwenydd Jones
CIOL DipTrans Exam Online Platform: the Lowdown
The CIOL DipTrans exam online platform came into being in 2021. Find out everything you need to know about sitting the exam remotely. Author: Helen Gräwert
DipTrans Online Exam, What to Expect
All about the DipTrans online exams in January and July. Latest news on the platform, the resources you can use and preparation tips. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Study Plan for the CIOL DipTrans Diploma in Translation Exam
This article will help you make a DipTrans study plan for the CIOL Diploma in Translation exam. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Essentials for DipTrans Exam Paper 3E Social Science
An overview of what to expect in IoLET DipTrans exam unit 3E Social Science, with handy tips and reference sources. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
How to Get DipTrans Past Papers for the Diploma in Translation Exam
Information on how to get DipTrans past papers to help you in your preparation for the IoLET Diploma in Translation exam. Includes information on my free mock Spanish-to-English DipTrans exam papers. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Mock General DipTrans Past Paper for Spanish-to-English Candidates
Translation of a mock general IoLET Diploma in Translation past paper, for Spanish-to-English translators to use to practise for the exam. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Quiz: how much do you know about the CIOL DipTrans exam?
You’ve probably heard of the CIOL DipTrans exam. Find out how much you know about it with our DipTrans quiz! Author: Gwenydd Jones.
What do you do if you don’t understand something in the CIOL Diploma in Translation exam?
A big concern among trainees on my DipTrans course is what to do if they don’t understand something in the DipTrans exam. This article will give you some ideas. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Editing and proofreading
9 Top Mistakes by Translators on Our Online Translation Courses
This article describes nine mistakes that Spanish-to-English translators repeatedly make. How many apply to you? Author: Gwenydd Jones.
10 Proofreading Mistakes by Trainees on Our DipTrans Online Course
Guidance on how to improve your proofreading, to be the translator that every agency pursues. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
How Do You Format Titles of Works?
Do you need italics, inverted commas or underline for a book title? Find out about formatting titles of works here. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Italics, Inverted Commas or Underline?
Check out this style quiz for translators on italics, inverted commas or underlining. It’ll help you remember the basic rules under Chicago. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Job Title Capitalisation According to Chicago
Know the Chicago rules for job title capitalisation? Test yourself with this quick quiz for translators, writers, editors and proofreaders. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Should You Capitalise Units of Measurement Named After People?
What are the capitalisation rules for units of measurement named after people? Test yourself with this quiz on SI units named after people. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Spanish-English Translation Style Guide
The Translator’s Studio “Spanish-English Translation Style Guide” contains the guidelines we prefer for Spanish-to-English translation. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Style Boost: Acronym, Initialism or Abbreviation?
What’s the difference between an acronym, an initialism and an abbreviation? Test yourself with this quick quiz. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Fashion Translation
Is Fashion Translation a Good Fit for You?
This article looks at the what, the who and the why of fashion translation. Author: Lucy Williams.
Quiz: shoe terminology translations (Spanish-English)
Ready to flex your fashion muscles and do some shoe terminology translations between Spanish and English? Check out our quiz. Author: Lucy Williams.
Spanish-English Fashion Translation: Personal Tailoring
Discover important terminology for Spanish-English fashion translation with this introduction to personal tailoring. Author: Lucy Williams.
Spanish-English Fashion: Pockets, Cuffs, and Collars
Puzzled by pockets? Confused by cuffs and collars? For Spanish-English fashion translation they are essential terms, get the lowdown here. Author: Lucy Williams.
Spanish-English Fashion Translators: Weddings
There is a lot of important wedding fashion terminology for Spanish-English fashion translators to learn. This article tells you the terms you need to know. Author: Lucy Williams.
Spanish-English Shoe Terms: Men’s Dress Shoes
Interested in Spanish-English shoe terms? You’ll love this introduction, with explanations and important terminology. It’s a must-read. Author: Lucy Williams.
Translating Spanish-English Fabrics and Patterns
Translating Spanish-English fabrics and patterns is confusing. Read this for an introduction to the terms you need to know. Author: Lucy Williams.
Translating Spanish-English Fashion: Bridalwear
If you’re translating Spanish-English fashion, you’ll know bridalwear is a growing market. Brush up on your terminology here. Author: Lucy Williams.
Why I Specialised in Fashion Translation
Everyone advises translators to specialise, I chose fashion. Here’s why I opted for fashion translation and what it involves. Author: Lucy Williams.
Are You an Expert on Phrasal Verbs?
How would you rate your knowledge of the grammar of phrasal verbs? Try your luck with our quiz to see if you’re a phrasal verb master! Author: Lucy Williams.
Does it Normally Take Subjunctive or Indicative?
A tough quiz for students of C1 and C2 Spanish on whether certain adverbial expressions take the subjunctive or the indicative. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Emphatic Auxiliaries (and How to Use Them to Your Advantage)
Emphatic auxiliaries are formed with the auxiliary do. Use them to add emphasis to what you’re saying. Test your knowledge with this quiz! Author: Lucy Williams.
Grammar Jab: a Quick Quiz on the Passive Voice in English
Test yourself on the passive voice in English: from how the passive voice is used to why and when to use it. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Is “To” a Preposition or an Adverb? Quick Quiz for Grammar Pros
Wondering whether the word “to” is a preposition or an adverb. Find out in this quick quiz for grammar pros, with explanations. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Judging by or judging from? Conflict over or conflict for?
Judging by or judging from? Conflict over or conflict for? This quiz explores these doubts from students on our DipTrans preparatory course. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Make Your Writing Richer with Inversion
Understand inversion and improve your advanced English grammar with this fun grammar quiz for English learners and native English speakers. Author: Lucy Williams.
What are the Grammar FANBOYS and how can they help you?
Heard about the grammar FANBOYS and wondering what on earth this odd expression means? Find out with this quick quiz! Author: Gwenydd Jones.
What’s the difference between I and Me?
What’s the difference between I and Me? I is a subject pronoun, while me is an object pronoun. Test yourself with this quiz! Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Learning Spanish
9 Best Podcasts to Learn Spanish from Beginner to Advanced
Looking for the best podcast to learn Spanish fast while you’re on the go? Look no further. We’ve done the research for you. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
8 Best Books to Learn Spanish for Beginners
Looking for the best books to learn Spanish for beginners in 2024? Look no further! With our recommendations, you’re sure to succeed. Author: Miguel Martín Sánchez
17 Quick Tips on How to Learn Spanish Fast and Have Fun along the Way
Want to know how to learn Spanish fast? Read these quick language-learning tips to help you speak Spanish asap. Author: Myriam Tisler.
Marketing for Freelance Translators
5 Hacks on LinkedIn for Translators
This article will help translators identify how to best harness the power of LinkedIn. Author: Genevieve Shaw.
8 Questions to Help You Get the Best Marketing Translations
Marketing translations are an important part of how you promote your business abroad. Ask yourself these eight questions to help you get a result that sells. Author: Lucy Williams.
10 Secrets for Freelance Translators for Success with Agencies
10 things freelance translators can do to become desirable collaborators for translation agencies. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Freelance Translator Visibility, Do You Do All This?
As a freelance translator you need customers to be able to find you. What are the best ways to increase your market visibility? How many of them do you use? Author: Lucy Williams.
How To Negotiate the Jungle of Social Media for Translators
11 ways to negotiate the jungle of social media for translators. Author: Genevieve Shaw.
How to Show the Customer You’re the Best Translation Service Provider
How can you show potential customers that you are the best translation service provider for the job? How to stand out from the crowd. Author: Lucy Williams.
How to Write an Effective Cover Email for a Translation Agency
This article will show you how to get a responses when you send your CV to a translation agency. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
How Translators Showcase Their Talent to Translation Agencies?
Be more successful in showcasing your talent to translation agencies. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Why Not Using Professional Translators is a False Economy
Using professional translators means you communicate your message effectively across cultures. There are cheap and even free translation tools and services, but here’s why bargain-basement translations are false economy. Author: Lucy Williams.
Pricing for Freelance Translators
39 of the Worst Pitfalls to Avoid with Translation Pricing
A not-to-do list of translation pricing. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
9 Secrets Most Customers Don’t Know About Quotes for Translation Services
The information that isn’t on your quotation for translation services. Make sure you know what you’re getting for your buck! Author: Gwenydd Jones.
How To Defend Urgency Surcharges in Your Freelance Translation Service
Plenty of reasons to defend surcharges in your freelance translation service. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Quotes for Professional Translation Services, What’s Your Secret?
Quotes for translation services are part of the translator’s day-to-day. What’s your secret to make sure your quote gets picked? Author: Lucy Williams.
Should I do a free test translation for a potential translation client?
Free test translations are popular with agencies and clients. But should a freelance translator do a free translation test? Find out here. Author: Lucy Williams.
Should I Give an Agency Translation Discounts for Regular Translation Work?
Is a translation agency promising you regular work in exchange for translation discounts? Should you agree? Find out here. Author: Lucy Williams
Translation Quote Guide for Customers
Feeling confused by your translation quote? This article will help you choose the best translator and get a translation that sells. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Get a certificate in punctuation!
- Learn punctuation fast
- Get confident
- Build up your CV to impress clients
5 Punctuation Differences Between US and British English
Wondering about the punctuation differences between US and British English? Check out this expert article on punctuation. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Bullet Point Punctuation: Can You Punctuate a List?
Bullet point punctuation and punctuating lists can be confusing. Test your knowledge with this quiz from The Translator’s Studio. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Do You Know How To Punctuate Numbers?
Do you know how to punctuate numbers correctly in English and Spanish? Give our quiz on number punctuation a try! Author: Gwenydd Jones.
How Do You Punctuate Question and Exclamation Marks?
Wondering about punctuation with question marks and exclamation marks? Try our fun quiz for punctuation gurus.
Wondering how to use em dashes? Test yourself with this quiz on how to use em dashes also known as em rules. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Hyphenating adjectives and adverbs
How is your knowledge on hyphenating adjectives and adverbs? Try this quick quiz with answers and explanations. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Quick Quiz to Understand Joining Commas
You probably use joining commas all the time in your writing. But what exactly are they? Find out here. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Quick Quiz: Advanced Apostrophes and Possessives
Apostrophes and possessives can be confusing. With this short quiz, you’ll master the apostrophe in no time. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Serial comma use can be confusing. Test your serial comma, aka Oxford comma, skills with this quiz. Author: Gwenydd Jones
Spanish and English Punctuation: the Little Differences
An English-to-Spanish translator’s perspective on details of Spanish punctuation. Author: Marián Amiguetti.
Wondering when you should use a hyphen? You’re not alone. Do a quick hyphen review with this punctuation quiz! Author: Gwenydd Jones.
When to Use an En Dash (Quick Quiz)
Wondering about when to use an en dash? Want to know how to type an en dash? Get the answers fast and learn with our quick quiz!
When to Use Hyphens with Compounds before and after the Noun (Quick Quiz)
Forgotten the rules on when to use hyphens with compounds that describe nouns? Get a quick reminder in this fast quiz. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Specialisation for Translators
Business Document Translation Services Explained
This article discusses the different types of business document translation services. It helps you know where to spend, and where to save. Author: Lucy Williams.
Don’t Make This Rookie Error with Your Marketing Translator
When it comes to finding a marketing translator, lots of clients make a rookie error that destroys all their hard work. Find out what it is. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
How to Choose a Translation Specialisation
New to translation? This article contains tips on how to develop your own specialist fields. Author: Lucy Williams.
How to Train to Be an SEO Translator
This article describes nine mistakes that Spanish-to-English translators repeatedly make. How many apply to you? Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Press Release Translation — Why, How and Who?
Find out why press release translation is an important part of a multilingual marketing strategy and how to find the right translator. Author: Lucy Williams.
What Marketing Translators Can Offer the Travel and Tourism Industry
Marketing translators have many skills that are transferable to the tourism industry. Read this article for ways to appeal to new customers in this growing sector. Author: Lucy Williams.
Why Copywriting Is a Key Part of Marketing Translation
The aim of marketing translation is to produce persuasive copy for other languages and cultures. Find out why copywriting is a key part of that. Author: Lucy Williams.
Training and CPD for Translators
10 Crucial Questions to Choose the Best Spanish Translation Qualification
This article will help you consider the pros and cons of an MA in translation studies versus the DipTrans, and other options to qualify as a Spanish-to-English translator. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
How To Make Washing Up an Exciting Learning Experience
The world of podcasts and their uses for translators. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
How To Train to Be an SEO Translator
SEO translation is in increasing demand. How can you train to become an SEO translator? Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Translation Practice with a Study Buddy
A student review of our translation practice study buddy scheme for students on our online translation courses. Author: Matt Leedham.
Translation Workshops at The Translator’s Studio – A Review
Check out this translation workshops review by a former student and come and join us on our online translation courses. Author: Rana Shabibi.
23 Questions to Help You Make a Good Transcreator Brief
Twenty-three questions to inspire you when you produce your transcreator brief. A good brief will help you make sure you get the results you want.
A Customer Guide to Transcreation Rates
Get the lowdown on transcreation rates: how they’re calculated, what’s included and how to make them work for you.
How To Calculate Transcreation Prices
This article looks at the timings you can use to calculate transcreation prices. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
How to Get the Best Out of Your Transcreator. Mapping Out the Perfect Brief
Your transcreator needs a good brief to help them get the best results. Here’s how to map out clear instructions for them. Author: Lucy Williams.
Price Difference Between Transcreation and Translation Explained
Price is one of the biggest differences between transcreation and translation. Why is transcreation priced differently? Author: Lucy Williams.
Transcreation Examples: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
A look at the best and worst transcreation examples and tips to help you get it right when it comes to localising your marketing content. Author: Lucy Williams.
Transcreation Services for the Creative Industries: What, Who and How
Get the lowdown on transcreation services for creative industries: what they are, who needs them and where to find them. Author: Lucy Williams.
What Does a Transcreation Service Look Like for a Translator
This article explores what a transcreation service might look like for a freelance translator. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
What Is Transcreation? Is It Different to Marketing Translation?
What is transcreation? A combination of translation and copywriting. It’s a more creative process than marketing translation. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
What Transcreation Is and Why It’s No Gimmick
Why can’t people agree on what transcreation is? Is it just a gimmick to sell marketing translation? Where does transcreation diverge from bilingual copywriting? Find the answers and more in this article. Author: Lucy Williams.
What’s the Difference Between Translation and Transcreation?
The difference between translation and transcreation is that translations are accurate and idiomatic. Transcreations involve artistic licence. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Translation client content
5 Mistakes to Avoid When You Buy Professional Translation Services Online
Buying professional translation services online? Make sure you get a translation that sells with these five things to avoid. Author: Lucy Williams.
8 Ways to Get the Best Freelance Translation Services
Make sure you follow these 8 golden rules to get the best freelance translation services, and find the right provider. Author: Lucy Williams.
11 Quick Questions to Get the Right Business Translation Services
What does a pro translator have in common with the best builder in town? Find out what to ask to get the right business translation services. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
12 Myths Busted to Help You Buy a Quality Translation
Avoid the trap of mistaking translation myths for facts. This article will help you make sure you invest in a quality translation. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
How to Get a Translation – Complete Customer Guide
Wondering how to get a translation? All your questions answered here: finding the translator, the translation process and post-delivery. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
How to Give Translation Instructions for Results That Sell
Find out how to give translation instructions and get the best possible results from your translation project. At the right price. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
How to Make Sure You’re Getting the Best Translation Services
How do you know if a translation is good if you can’t understand it? Find out how to make sure you’re getting the best translation services. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Website translation and SEO translation
How SEO Translators Can Help You Get More Website Traffic
Find out how SEO translators can help you get more website traffic, helping your brand reach its target markets more easily. Author: Lucy Williams.
Multilingual Websites: Single or Multiple Domains?
Planning a multilingual website? Think carefully about the impact of one or multiple domains on translation practicalities and cost. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
What to Do with Format When You Translate a Website
When you translate a website, text format affects price and quality. This article will help you choose the best formatting option. Author: Gwenydd Jones
What’s Involved in SEO Website Translation?
Makes sure your website translation gets found on search engines. Read this article to get an SEO website translation that ranks. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Website Translations: the Perfect Contact Us Page
How to get the most out of your contact page in website translations. Generate trust and improve the contact process in the new language. Author: Gwenydd Jones.
Why SEO Is the Future for Business Document Translators
Business document translators can’t afford to rest on their laurels. The future is here and the key to broadening your income stream is SEO. Author: Lucy Williams.